Narrative Description of Community of Saint Paul’s Purpose and Activities
The purposes for which the Corporation is formed are:
a) To love God with all heart, soul, strength and mind and to love all Worship and pray faithfully so that Jesus may continue to fill hearts with faith, hope and charity;
b) Practice tolerance in dealings with others so that members may become models of love and forgiveness in community in which they live, worship, work and serve;
c) Recognize God’s healing power in community, city, state, nation and the world;
d) Be active in the education of missionaries, lay leaders, disciples, children and youth so that community members may see not only the importance of knowledge but the value of the wisdom and Gospel;
e) Reach out to those who are ill in body or spirit so that the sick may know the healing powers of faith in Jesus Christ;
f) Support to the poor, elderly and needy so that they may know the compassion of a community dedicated to human compassion;
g) Train and develop missionary and church vocations and leadership so that those who are called to serve Christ as led by the Holy Spirit may continue to serve the needs of humanity beginning from local community to reaching the world.
Activities in fulfillment of purposes
1) Celebration of the Divine Liturgy Community of Saint Paul will celebrate Divine Liturgy according to Eastern Orthodox tradition and belief. The Liturgy's roots go back to Jewish worship and the adaptation of Jewish worship by Early Christians. The first part of the Liturgy is the "Liturgy of the Word" that includes reading of scriptures and the Sermon/Homily. The latter half includes Eucharistic celebrations.
2) Adult Faith Formation Parishioners and visitors will be invited to continued growth and ongoing faith formation through presentations, study groups, workshops and other educational opportunities arranged by the pastoral staff each year.
3) Religious Formation for Children Religious Education sessions for children age 4 through fifth grade will be offered on Sunday mornings immediately following the Mass. The sessions will be open to all children of the parish, especially children who are not attending Christian School.
4) Young Adult Ministry Young Adult Ministry at Community of Saint Paul will work to connect young adults to the heart of the Church. This is a ministry at our parish which will serve to unite young adults with Christ, the Church, and one another. Through the spiritual, service and social opportunities offered at our parish, we will be able to share our gifts with one another in order to grow in faith.
Young adults are persons ages 18-39; single, married, divorced, or widowed; and with or without children; this includes people of different ethnicity, cultures, and economic and social classes. What will link us all together is the desire to discover our identity as adults; find a place of love and belonging; achieve a sense of purpose in our work; and spiritually explore the meaning of life and the divine. We do this through various events and activities like reflections on the Sunday readings, mixers and other social gatherings.
5) Youth Ministry The fundamental principle and goal of Youth Ministry at Community of Saint Paul will be to help young people find and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, Youth Ministry practices social, service, spiritual and study concepts that emulate the teachings of Jesus and how they relate to us today.
Youth weekly meetings will divide time between study, service and social activities. Study time provides an informal setting that combines formation, reflection and discussion. Social activities are varied.
Beyond regular weekly meetings, activities will include spiritual, service and extended social outings. Service projects will include both our parish and the local community. Spiritual activities will include youth rallies, retreats, Advent and Lenten services. Extended social outings will include theme parks, historic places, concerts, overnight trips and mission trips where we will serve local community in a variety of ways.
6) Missions Conference Community of Saint Paul will provide an annual week long Missions Conference to all members of the Community. Priests and Missionaries from a variety of Orders will prepare and present missionary experiences and community outreach resources. Confession and Counselling will be available during the Mission Conference.
7) Emergency Family Assistance Community of Saint Paul will provide Emergency Family Assistance to members who are facing financial difficulties because of an unexpected financial emergency. This crisis generally involves the loss of job, medical expenses, major car repairs, a family dissolution or unexpected expenses due to natural disasters or death in the family. The program provides financial assistance towards rent/mortgage or basic utilities.
8) Bereavement Ministry This ministry will help grieving family members make all the necessary arrangements for the Funeral Mass of the deceased. The ministry will also help others to work their way through the grieving process from the death of a family member, spouse, child, or parent. A weekly meeting will be held and all bereaved will be invited to attend to receive this support.
9) Ministry to the Sick The Ministry to the Sick will be a ministry of the heart, a ministry of the presence of Jesus Christ, the Great Healer and Comforter. This will be made possible by the love and caring of dedicated Ministers to the Sick, who will go out from the Church to provide compassion, prayer, and the Eucharist to those who are in hospitals, nursing homes, or home-bound due to advanced age or illness.
10) Prison Ministry Community of Saint Paul will work closely with the Correctional systems and institutions in dedication to the belief that we can make a difference in the lives of the incarcerated, by bringing a message of Faith, Hope and Healing through Jesus Christ to all those affected. 11) Community of Sant Paul Seminary In an ever-busy and complex world, Saint Paul Seminary provides a haven to learn about, experience, and share the pure simplicity of God’s love. At our Seminary, we prepare students to preach the gospel and serve in Christ’s name. Community of Saint Paul Seminary is focused on both intellectual pursuits and practical applications.
Learning at Community of Saint Paul Seminary takes place in the classroom, in the church and pulpit, and in the real world. Seminary training combines academic study and actual experience, and serves as an Orthodox missionary traing model across the country and around the world.
At Community of Saint Paul, we fully prepare our students for ministry, focusing on the academic, spiritual, and professional elements of personal growth. Members of our faculty are scholars and spiritual leaders committed to educating and preparing future church leaders by providing a dynamic seminary school experience.